AI Subtitles,

Designed for Youtubers,

Sekai automatically uploads translated subtitles in 10 languages to your new uploads without any work needed from you!

Sekai automatically uploads translated subtitles in 10 languages to your new uploads without any work needed from you!

PS: check out the captions for this Youtube video!

PS: check out the captions for this Youtube video!

How does it work?

How does it work?

After you connect your Youtube account…



New video from Tom Scott

This video has 1,239,532 views.

Detect New Uploads

Sekai will automatically detect when a new video has been uploaded to your channel. No manual input or scheduling needed


🇪🇸 Hola

🇫🇷 Bonjour

🇮🇹 Ciao

🇵🇹 Olá

🇷🇺 Привет

🇯🇵 こんにちは

🇰🇷 안녕하세요

🇨🇳 你好


🇺🇸 Hello

Generate Translations

Sekai uses AI to transcribe and translate your video to 10 of the most spoken languages on Youtube. Including the title and description.


🇪🇸 Hola

🇫🇷 Bonjour

🇮🇹 Ciao

🇵🇹 Olá

🇷🇺 Привет

🇯🇵 こんにちは

🇰🇷 안녕하세요

🇨🇳 你好

Upload to Youtube

Once the translations are done, Sekai automatically uploads the translated text to Youtube, without any work from you.




How good is the translation?

How good is the translation?

See how Sekai's translations performs under different circumstances.

See how Sekai's translations performs under different circumstances.

Disclaimer: The Youtubers chosen are not affiliated with Sekai.

Disclaimer: The Youtubers chosen are not affiliated with Sekai.

Designed for Youtubers

Designed for Youtubers

All of Sekai's features are designed with the needs of a Youtuber in mind.

All of Sekai's features are designed with the needs of a Youtuber in mind.

Automatic Uploads

Automatic Uploads

Sekai automatically uploads all the subtitles for you so you will never have to touch a single SRT file.

10 Languages

10 Languages

Sekai can will translate your video to Chinese, Spanish, Hindi, Korean, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, Italian, French, and English!

Translated Title/Description

Translated Title/Description

Sekai also translates your video title/description. This way your video will get recommended to international viewers as well!

Minutes, not Days

Minutes, not Days

Traditional services takes days to translate. Sekai does it in minutes.


Sekai AutoSub


Grow your channel beyond the barrier of language

Automatically add subtitles to new uploads

Never touch a .srt file

Translated title + descriptions

All major languages(10+)

Up to 30 videos per month

payment powered by Stripe

If you're interested in a per-video based pricing, or lower usage based pricing, please reach out to us at


What is Sekai?

What languages do you guys support?

How long do I have to wait after I upload to get subtitles?

Do you have cheaper pricing for smaller Youtubers?

I don't upload frequently, do you have a per video based pricing?

Why do you need to connect to my Youtube account?

How good is the translation compared to auto-translate by Youtube?


© 2022 Sekai, Inc.


© 2022 Sekai, Inc.